Over 30% Vietnamese population accesses to Internet

23:10 - 02/05/2017

bout 30% of the Vietnamese population are presently using internet and an additional 2-3 million Vietnamese getting online annually, according to Hồ Chí Minh-based Cimigo, an independent team of marketing and brand research specialists.

Cimigo just released Việt Nam NetCitizens Report, the most comprehensive study about Internet usage and behavior in Việt Nam.

The report says that Việt Nam has caught up with countries such as China or Thailand, where the Internet has a much longer history. “The Internet is rapidly becoming an integral part of Vietnamese lives”, said Lukas Mira, Cimigo’s Online Director.

According to the study, users spend more than two hours a day on the Internet. “This is longer than in most countries around the region”, said Lukas Mira.

Vietnamese Internet users exploit the Internet to gather information, read the news, and entertain themselves.

The report was made after carrying out 3,300 interviews with Internet users from 12 different cities in Việt Nam./.

Nguồn: Chinhphu.vn

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