E-passports to be issued within next two years
PM Nguyễn Tấn Dũng recently ratified a Project on issuing e-passports in order to raise the efficiency of State management over immigration in the context of expanding international integration.
The issuance of e-passports is expected to significantly downsize immigration paper work
The project will be piloted in four years. In the first phase (2011-2012) e-passport will be issued only inside Việt
In the second phase (2013-2014), by Việt
Checkpoints will be set up at border-gates to inspect the e-passports.
Under the project, a national database of e-passports must be able to expand, integrate, and share with other databases of population, personal identity card, and crimes.
The Ministry of Public Security is assigned to develop the national database of passports and immigration.
Nguồn: Chinhphu.vn
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