Certification preferential origin of goods over the internet
Ministry of Industry and Trade has issued a certification process goods preferential origin (C / O) over the internet. Accordingly, the dossier for C / O will be performed on the management system and issue electronic certificates of origin at www.ecosys.gov.vn.

According to the process, traders declare the electronic records on eCoSys traders. Where have filed paper copies traders, merchants need to update records on eCoSys. Then, traders report data available on eCoSys form on the basis of accurate information related to the goods being the C / O and attached as electronic vouchers regulations.
The text, documents must be authenticated by traders signature by the competent authority. Traders do not have to submit a written paper, attach vouchers through the organization eCoSys C / O, unless they are required to have doubts about the authenticity of the documents.
After receiving the approval notification dossier C / O through the organization's internet C / O, traders submitted to the organization for C / O application for C / O and C / O has been A completely valid and as prescribed.
Traders submit or produce paper copies of other documents stipulated in Article 9 of Circular No. 06/2011 / TT-BCT organization C / O in case required.
Within 6 working hours after receiving the dossier the C / O through internet, organizations C / O are responsible for system notification on the approval dossier C / O businessman.
If the dossier the C / O via the Internet trader is inconsistent with the current regulations, organizations C / O the reason is not approved and announced to the trader amended and supplemented.
The C / O Release C / O the paper to form C / O traders were completely filled in two hours, since the receipt of the file specified.
Traders may choose to apply the C / O via the Internet or by paper, except dossier C / O form D.
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