• Tiếng Việt
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  • One-stop administrative Services

    Being the first Hi-Tech Park in Vietnam, is the direct authority of the Prime Minister, the Hoa Lac Hi-Tech Park has implemented efficient one-stop service to help investors with the conditions and offers best deals

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  • Modern and Synchronized Infrastructure

    Modern and Synchronized Infrastructure

    Infrastructure is an important factor of Hoa Lac Hi-Tech Park of particular to attract investors. Major infrastructure in the area has been built from two main sources which are the state budget and the Japanese ODA loans.

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  • Highest Investment Incentives

    Preferential tax rate of 10% within 15 years for new investment projects. Exemption of 100% of the tax payable in the first 04 years after their taxable income, 50% of the tax payable in the next 09 years.

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  • Strategic Location

    Strategic Location

    Hoa Lac Hi-Tech Park is located among the key projects of the country such as the National University of Hanoi, the Ethnic Culture Village of Vietnam, etc...

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  • Abundant and High Quality Human Resources

    Abundant and High Quality Human Resources

    In Hoa Lac Hi-Tech Park FPT University is training in the field of information technology with more than 3000 students are currently enrolled. Also University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (ODA investment by the Asian Development Bank - ADB and the Government of France), University of Japan -...

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