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Abundant and High Quality Human Resources

05:30 - 12/09/2016

In Hoa Lac Hi-Tech Park FPT University is training in the field of information technology with more than 2000 students are currently enrolled. Also University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (ODA investment by the Asian Development Bank - ADB and the Government of France), University of Japan - Vietnam is also in the process of implementing the first procedure investment in Hoa Lac Hi-Tech Park.

Located opposite the Hoa Lac Hi-Tech Park is the National University of Hanoi, the country's largest university with 13 colleges under different with a total area 1000ha. Expected completion of this new facility, when completed, Hanoi National University will welcome hundreds of thousands of students studying here.

Furthermore, in the Hoa Lac Hi-Tech Park there are a number of vocational training center for employees. High quality human resources as above, common human resources at Hoa Lac area and the vicinity also very rich and varied.

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