Da Nang Hi-Tech Park
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Visits: 7465
- Establish
Da Nang Hi-tech Park is a high-tech park (HTP), first in the central region and the HTP multifunctional third national level of the country, was established under Decision No. 1979 / QD-TTg dated 28 / 10/2010 of the Prime Minister.
- Development Goals
+ To attract high-tech resources (CNC) in the country and abroad, creating development impetus CNC. Link between training, scientific research and technological development to production, sales and service; promote technological innovation, technology incubators, business incubators and market development CNC science and technology.
+ Forming and developing a number of CNC industry, contributing significantly to the improvement of economic efficiency and competitiveness of the goods and services of the city of Da Nang and the central region - West Nguyen, Vietnam.
- Mission
+ Research, incubation, development, transfer and application of high technology.
+ Training high-tech workforce.
+ Incubating high-tech enterprises.
+ Commercialization of the results of scientific research and technological development.
+ Production of business and high-tech services.
+ Venture Capital.